Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feb 21, 2012 - Expanding patio & planting a garden

Back patio area prior to grading

Phase 1 of entending our patio with pavers.  More sand required, just waiting for a few rain free days.

Phase 1 after serious rain on Saturday.

Phase 1 of the Daleo garden.  Rocky planted 4 blueberry trees.

Purchased 2 creole tomato plants and 1 bell pepper.  Rock has a lot more work to do with
 the soil before these little guys are planted.

Rocky starting to fertilize a few pecan trees.  Curious to see when we'll actually get a good crop of pecans.  There are approximately 35-40 pecan trees on the property planted by the previous owner.  Unfortunately he hadn't ferterized the trees for a long time.

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 2012

February 10, 2012-    Since our last post in November we've added cement walkway and                     driveway slab connected to the garage.  This week we've had final grating done, top soil and driveway rocks added.

View from front door looking down driveway. 
We had the entrance walkway and garage pad poured in December. 

View from garage pad looking towards driveway entrance.

An Eastern Bluebird peeking in the LSU pad.
Our new little friend strikes a pose.
Redbird's wondering where's my house?
One of three Fox Squirrels that hang out with us all the time.
Japanese Magnolia's all in bloom.
Camilia bush
A friend's new colt, just had to share...so cute.