Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19th - We're in just in time to celebrate the holidays!

Saturday, 11/19/11
It's official we moved in October 31st and are still sorting, organizing and painting (touch ups and dings from moving in furniture).  Of course we still have a few big projects pending, more gravel for the driveway, cement drive connecting to the garage, the back deck  and landscaping.  All to be completed in the near future as time and weather permits.

Just a bit of fall decorations while we were unpacking.

Oops didn't mean to be in the picture.

Lighting a bit off in this one.

Master bedroom (Coming soon - new comforter set, curtain rods and sheers throughout the house).

Guest bedroom (the quilt and the picture were gifts from two good friends).

Decisions, decisions....where to hang what?

Hallway to office, guest bath and bedroom

Sunroom, my special place.

Hallway from kitchen to utility room (sunroom on  left and half bath on right).

Gas logs installed just in time for the holidays and working great.

Last night celebrating our "22nd" anniversary at 407 North Restaurant in Covington.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct 11th - Oct 25th - Celebrating Cole's 1st Birthday in Disneyland

So very hard to believe our little guy is a year old already. It seems like is was just yesterday I was here visiting him in the NICU.  Makes me a little sad that he's grown up so fast and I've missed so much of his first year.  But thanks to technology such as skype I've been able to at least see him every week.  We're having a great time celebrating Cole's birthday and our visit with Nik, Clint, Bella & Lucky Bird.  The weather has been beautiful but that's San Diego.  Here's some pictures of our visit.

Disneyland Holloween - Oct 14th

Clint, Nik & Cole the Dino!

Paw Paw Bud being silly with Cole

Our little Dino decided he needed a power nap before
 the Holloween parade started.

Three generations

Mickey's Castle

Winnie, Mom, Dad and the Birthday Boy

Checking out the petting zoo at Disneyland.

Cole really enjoyed playing the Fireman.

Just love this photo!

This is so much fun, wish you were here!

Disney jail!

Having fun in Escondido at the the Bates Nut Farm

Cole and his best pal....Bella!

Sept 17th - Oct 7th - Final Inspection completed and all clear to move in!

We received our Certificate of Occupancy October 3rd.  Rocky's so proud he wanted to have it framed but we decided to just share it on the blog. 

We still have to finish touch up painting throughout the house, finish painting closet shelving, exterior doors  and we have to stain and paint the stairway to the bonus room. We've been working 8 - 10 hour days for some time and decided to take a well earned vacation to San Diego to celebrate Cole's 1st birthday (October 15th). We plan to finish everything when we return Oct 25th and than we'll move in.

Master bath base trim painting.  You can just imagine this image of me throughout the house.
 I don't think I'll be painting for quite a while once this project is finished.

Rocky spray painting closet doors.

Entry door stained waiting for trim to be painted.

Pantry shelving....lots of space!

Master closet shelving

Work continues in the master closet

Jocque & Jolie enjoying the view from the front porch.